E40 | Books | Dune Book Breakdown, Kwisatz Analysis
Beer, Board Games, Books, and Bourbon
E37 | Books| Revenge of the Attack of The Prequels Menace
E35| Books | Role Playing Game Masters
E33| Books | You Want to Fight About It?
E30 | Books| Red Rising, Book Breakdown ft. Jamey Stegmaier, Alex Schmidt (Stonemaier Games)
E28 | Books| Character Arcs, Flexible Power and Fluid Morality
E25 | Books | Mistborn: FE, Book Breakdown
E23 | Books | Star Wars, Series Breakdown
E21 | Books| Build-a-World Workshop
E19 | Books | Ender's Game, Book Breakdown
E17 | Books | Lord of the Rings, Book Breakdown
E15 | Books | Story Arcs, Giving Shape to Lists of Events
E11 | Books | The Villains 3, Voldy, Palps, and Galby
E8 | Books | Heroes of Fantasy and Sci-Fi
E6 | Books | Narration: The Telling of a Story
E4 | Books | Experiencing the Magic of Fantasy
E2 | An Intro to Fantasy and Some Flights | Our Top 5 Books